Jonjo | Grey Lynn

“Last time I spent some time with someone that’s different to me? I suppose every day I spend a certain amount of time with someone who’s different. We go around to people’s houses, installing solar into their houses.

So, I meet different people every day, I suppose from all walks of life. No-one in particular I can think of. 

Last week, I think it was Pukenui right up North. There was a  Māori family and we installed some solar onto their house. They were living in like a small hold, what I’d call like a bit of farm, which is very different to how I was brought up. They were definitely very friendly up north. We ended up actually staying at their house for the night. They were very welcoming and hospitable, but definitely different to people who live in the city, I would say, but maybe that’s a bit of a generalisation. I don’t know. 

I’m originally from Oxford in the UK. Been in New Zealand for two years. Working for an electrical company. What I value in life? I don’t know. Probably friends, family.

I mean I don’t even really sort of think about it too much, because I don’t really see a difference, if that makes sense. I’m not judgemental at all, but you definitely have to have an open mind. So I’m not judgemental, so it doesn’t really cross my mind, as such, you know?”

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