Jenny | Akaroa

Content warning: this video discusses sensitive mental health topics.

The week before we spoke with Jenny, her nephew passed away after a long journey with addiction.

“Heart’s fairly heavy today. My nephew took his life last week, so that was a pretty sad thing for the family to deal with. He was a drug addict, thirty-three. So, for him, I think maybe he’s in a better place. For my sister, whose son he was, I think she’s got closure now.

But it’s just a pretty sad time for us all. He’s been living overseas and finally gotten back to New Zealand to try and get him into drug rehab. But he got turned down last week for drug rehab. And I think he thought the only way out was to end his life. So, yeah, it’s been a heavy week.

But it’s my sister that’s sort of carrying the weight of that. We’re just keeping in touch as much as we can and offering emotional support because there’s not much else that we can do, really.

But for my kids, I’ve got two sons and so, just trying to tell them how much we appreciate and value them too. So it’s a good lesson for us all, I suppose.”

Where to get help:

1737: The nationwide, 24/7 mental health support line. Call or text 1737 to speak to a trained counsellor.

Suicide Crisis Line: Free call 0508 TAUTOKO or 0508 828 865. Nationwide 24/7 support line.

Youthline: Free call 0800 376 633, free text 234. Nationwide service focused on supporting young people.

OUTLine NZ: Freephone 0800 OUTLINE (0800 688 5463). National service that helps LGBTIQ+ New Zealanders access support, information and a sense of community.

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