Ethyn | Green Island, Otago

“The day I felt proud is when my little sister, well pretty much when I became a big brother. I was proud to be like, right this is my little sister, I’m going to protect her no matter what, and seeing her all grown up now, being 12 and being the age I am now, it’s seeing her growing up and living her own life.

I wish I could be there more for her. I was about five or six when my little sister was born. I thought I was going to be the only child, yay, and then I came home from school and Mum is as plump as a tomato, is what my nana used to say, and I’m like, huh, I’m confused. So, Mum’s going, you might have a little brother or sister. And, I’m like, okay someone that I can hang out with, play with, do fun stuff with, teach how to be a menace, to be precise, but finding out I was having a little sister was pretty much the highlight of my life, because I would have someone to be there for, and if she needed a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be there, and till this day if she needs a shoulder to cry on, there’s her friends, my mum and me. If she needs a shoulder to cry on, there is me to do it. 

What would I say to my sister? Hayley. Don’t drive Mum up the wall, and I love you with all my heart no matter what, just behave. 

I was born in Oamaru, grown up in 13 different places, but most of my life has been in Dunedin, and most of my friends are here, Oamaru and further inland, and down south.

Family, friends are what I value. If one of my friends is depressed or upset, I will see how they are, talk to them. One of my friends had a loved one lost, and I know what they’re going through, because on the 19th of February 2020 I lost my uncle in a fatal accident, and for me he was pretty much a father figure to me, and my little sister, but seeing him go was pretty hard for me too. Till this day I’m still grieving, because it’s the biggest loss for me and my family and for his little daughter, as well, my cousin. Till this day I’m still grieving, and I’m trying to find other ways to cope.

I’m not a popular person, but community and family is a big thing for me. I love my family dearly. I would do pretty much anything for friends and family.”

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