David | CBD

“Hi, I’m David, and I’m from Symonds Street, up in Auckland. When I was what, 25, I was running really low on money and so I went to one of my best friends, and I asked if I could borrow $100 just to live for the next week, and he did instantly without me even having to beg for it. 

I’ve been through a point where I didn’t talk to anyone for about six months, and that was the worst time in my life. So, having people around you is very important. My mother died in 2011, and I didn’t realise, but I think I became depressed, and that just kind of snowballed over six months, and I just stopped talking to people, but after six months, I just kind of went, no I’m going out there and talking to people, and then I started rekindling friendships after that. 

What I value?  Friendship, and family most of all, and then after that, it’s probably money, because without money you can’t survive in this day and age right now.

Well I’ve been born and bred here in Auckland for my entire life, and I went through high school, went to uni, dropped out of uni back in 2006, and then went through different jobs and now I’ve just gone back to uni and just finished last year.”

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