Share on Facebook Tweet this Nikki |Parnell “I lived through hell, but at the end of the day, we’re our self-talk, and we talk ourselves into what we produce in life. I’m still trying to find the silver lining within my own thoughts and the way that I talk to...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Grace | Māngere “I think the hardest time for me in my life, well probably one of the hardest times, was when my dad died when I was 29, and I had just given birth to my second child, and I was here in Māngere, living here. I’d been...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Dean | Māngere “So, I’ve moved around quite a bit. I’ve lived in Australia. Recently came back and I discovered a youth movement, not to do with church, though. A youth movement based in South Auckland. When I went to uni, I won a...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Madhumita | Avondale “I don’t know how much it’ll be exactly a silver lining. I think when I moved here, in New Zealand, I’m from an IT world, so I came here for a specific project, and to be honest, I was always looking back to go...
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