Share on Facebook Tweet this Lewis | Glen Innes “It’s always the same people. I’m around people very similar to myself. Can’t really remember the last time I was around somebody very different from myself. I’ve grown up all around Auckland. I would say I...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Alex | Glenfield “Probably last year, because that was the time I was most with my friends, I think this year with my family, I haven’t been able to get new friends yet, because I haven’t started school or uni, but I’m hoping to meet...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Jestine | Albany “I would say I spend time with someone who’s different every day, actually because I work at Auckland Council, and Auckland Council is quite diverse, in its people. Every day I work with people from all over the...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Boidie | Manukau “Well I actually do it on the the daily, because I work as an electrician, so I hang out with a lot of different people. A lot of different ethnicities, because you’re working in different parts of Auckland. High-end...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Phil | St Johns “I like going into different shops and there’s different people all the time. I nod and smile, and say hello and if I can make a conversation or something, fine. People are people, and as I get older, I just sort of...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Jessie | Bethells Beach “So, the last time I hung out with someone that I think is really different to me was when I was checking a beehive at the Rydges Hotel, hanging out with the maintenance guy up on the rooftop. So, what I...
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