Chloe | Pōneke

Chloe | Pōneke

Who has changed your life? Share on Facebook Gmail As a Pākehā, learning te reo Māori has given Chloe (Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai) a new understanding of how the world can work.  I guess we all grew up in a pākehā learning situation where things are very rigid and you do...

Robyn | Pōneke

Who has changed your life? Share on Facebook Gmail Robyn | Pōneke Robyn (Hawea Flat, Wanaka) has experienced miscarriages and the loss of a baby. This has made her relationship with her son and daughter an especially strong bond. I had her sort of later in life. It...
Sharyn | Pōneke

Sharyn | Pōneke

Who has changed your life? Share on Facebook Gmail Sharyn | Pōneke Sharyn’s (Ngāti Kahungunu, Wellington) sons have led their whānau into a deeper understanding of their whakapapa Māori. And this has changed her appreciation of her place in Aotearoa. I have...
Fete | Tāmaki Makaurau

Fete | Tāmaki Makaurau

What has whānau taught you? Share on Facebook Gmail Fete | Tāmaki Makaurau Fete is a survivor of abuse in care and was Senior Pasefika Engagement Advisor on the Royal Commission of Enquiry into State Abuse and Faith-Based Abuse. Reconnecting with his whānau allowed...
Simon  | Tāmaki Makaurau

Simon | Tāmaki Makaurau

What has whānau taught you? Share on Facebook Gmail Simon (Ngāti Hikairo) | Tāmaki Makaurau The birth of his twin sons allowed Simon to embrace his Māoritanga. “It wasn’t until the birth of my twin boys nearly five years ago that I truly understood what...
Elliot | Tāmaki Makaurau

Elliot | Tāmaki Makaurau

What has whānau taught you? Share on Facebook Gmail Elliot | Tāmaki Makaurau Elliot’s family have guided him through his life when things got hard. With a new family of his own, that’s now his role. “I’ve got six sisters and two brothers. And...

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