Amy | Waiuku

“I’ve been in and out of Waiuku and Ōtaua pretty much all my life. We’ve been moving a lot from renting and being kicked out of houses because they want to sell them.

Yeah, Waiuku and Ōtaua are quite close together so I’ve kind of stayed with the same group of friends in primary school, so it hasn’t been too bad. Kind of get used to the moving.

I recently found out that my aunty has had problems with her liver since she was diagnosed with breast cancer six years ago. So, now she has more problems. She been treated and she’s all fine with that now, but I haven’t heard back from how her liver’s going and everything like that. She’s been put on a transplant list, though.

I wish they found more cures, because one of my friend’s dad has cancer as well. I don’t talk to her as much as I should, but it still sucks. Most of my family are actually down there visiting her now, but we are really close. We go down there most Christmases and New Years. So we do visit them most years, which is really good. I definitely think it is easier for people to be open and talk about a lot of things if you’re close with your family, because they are very important people.

I’m normally a person who bottles it up a lot, but I have learned to try and talk about those kinds of things a lot more with people I’m really close to. My parents always encouraged me to talk about that kind of stuff. I didn’t really do that a lot, but I’ve kind of listened to them a lot more now, because I feel like if I bottle it up too much I just can’t deal with it much longer and I just let it all out at once, which isn’t really good.

I’ve got a pretty good family I think. Yeah, a good group of friends, so it helps me a lot. I’m hoping to go to MIT or AUT and become a pastry chef at some point.”

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