Aiden | Solway, Wairarapa

“Working at a supermarket, I see lots of kind things every day. Lots of not so good things, but there’s lots of kind people like when a man lost his phone and someone had taken it, someone saw that it had been taken, and told the Police and so he ended up getting it from that person, which was a really good thing.

Kindness is very important because without it, there’s not really any point, but there’s lots of kind people, especially in small communities and that’s what’s just great. What’s great about living in a town or in a city, nothing’s really noticed, and everyone’s just going throughout their own day but people stop and be kind and do lots of kind deeds in small towns.

Working at a supermarket is quite good, because there’s lots of socialising, and I meet quite a lot of good people. So I really enjoy it. 

During the lockdown, working at a supermarket, it was a bit frightening at first, but once, I know I’ve got a good team with me, it was alright. And we’ve got great hygiene and everyone tried to follow the rules, so it went really well.

I work at New World, Masterton. Got an awesome team. So, if you need groceries, just come on down.

I’m from Masterton. I’ve gone to Douglas Park and MIS and Wai Col and I’ve just been here my whole life pretty much, it’s a good little town. I’m going to stay in school for Year 13, and probably go to university, I’m not sure what yet.”

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