Adriana | Albany

It was a few days ago I was sitting in the park, and some guy came with the dog, and say hello, how are you? And, it was, it was very nice. 

I would say people in New Zealand are very, very friendly. Yeah, I’d say it’s really easy in New Zealand if I compare it to Czech Republic back home.

Yeah, I definitely think that’s (connection) important because we get to know other people’s point of view. We get to know more about the people, about their culture, religion, everything. It’s broadening the, the way we see the world. Yeah, in general, people in Auckland are very nice, very friendly, and if I compare it to back home, it’s different, because the Czech Republic, it used to be, 30 years ago it used to be a communistic country, so people are, they’re more afraid to be open to other people, because of the past regime. It wasn’t that easy. So, I think the younger generation back at home is more open, but here, everybody is open to everybody.

I grew up in the Czech Republic, and we came to New Zealand, to Auckland with my boyfriend in December for a working holiday visa, and we found it really beautiful place here, and people around are very nice, very supportive, and we like New Zealand very much. Well, what do I value in life is happiness, and yeah friends around, friends, family.”

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