Bob | Ōpōtiki, Bay of Plenty

“I really want to talk about children, and encouraging and loving children. I was very fortunate as a little boy that I had a father, and I worked on farms and I was always encouraged as a little boy, to achieve and do well, and this has stayed with me all my life.

Quite often I heard the words when I was a five-year-old, ‘well done’. And, so I became a little shepherd by the time I was seven, with my dogs, being able to handle sheep and handle horses, and that was my life and so, with enthusiasm I’ve tried to pass that onto many children in my life. I started Kiwi Can right throughout New Zealand, and that had the philosophy of praise, encourage, challenge, excel, and it was so successful and is still so very successful today. I’m sitting in front of the Art House in Ōpōtiki, and I’m so impressed with that program, because these children are encouraged and loved. They have the philosophy of being kind and actually go with confidence to uplift themselves and do things. The older children in Ōpōtiki, I think they handle children between seven and 12 here, they need this desperately. They need this love. They need this encouragement, and this Children’s Art House achieves this like I’ve never seen before. I had Kiwi Can right throughout New Zealand, I would like to see the Art House right throughout New Zealand, to uplift our New Zealand children, and encourage them. Here in Ōpōtiki the children not only learned art, they’ve actually painted 32 wonderful murals. I’m very proud of that. The other thing that they’ve done is they do programs on carving. They do programs on dressmaking, acting and singing, and there’s nothing really marvellous in one session, but the actual sessions when they’re joined all together over a year absolutely uplifts these little hearts, and these little minds to have more confidence in themselves. A lot of these children, at the age of seven, still can’t read properly, but to come into the Art House, they can have confidence which is going to carry them right through for the rest of their lives. So, I just give my enthusiasm and encouragement to this program, that it may really blossom right throughout New Zealand. I think it’s something so special, to encourage and love children, and as New Zealanders we should do that for every child. So that’s where I’m coming from and that’s how I feel. 

I’m at the gentle age of 87, now and I’ve got a friend who I knew when he was younger, Bruce Symonds, and he’s never had much income, but he’s the most incredible guy. All his sons are successful, but the thing I love about Bruce is his happiness and joy. He and I go fishing two or three times a week. We go in boats, or we take nets, or we put up long-lines, but he’s a man who’s now 77, who’s had very little in life, but he’s very kind, and very caring, and I’m a very lucky person to have him as a friend. He’s a beaut guy, and I’m very fond of him. He’s almost like one of my children.”

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