Rebecca | Kaitāia, Northland

“A good one probably is while we were in Level 4 Lockdown, and we were entering into Level 3, I asked Papa Manuera if we could use some of his gym equipment, and he was kind enough to donate some to me, and to a few other kura kids as well.

It was just cool to see him do that and help us with our health and fitness while we were still going through stuff. It’s pretty big up here because we play a lot of sports, and just because of this, we don’t want to be slacking behind or anything. So, we still want to be fit and ready to go when the season starts back up. 

If everyone’s a bit more kinder, then people will be happier, there’ll be less problems with everyone, and it will just be a better place.

Sport and fitness has always been a big thing. It got really bad, my health and wellbeing while I was down in Wellington studying, but since I’ve been back up here and it’s been a big boost being back with everyone, and keeping it up.

I grew up in Kaitāia. I went to a small school, Te Rangi Āniwaniwa, and that was pretty cool. I remember most of my friends and family there, and then I moved down to Wellington to go to university to study commerce and science, and it was really different down there compared to up here. Much more people, and there’s just no place like here, so I came back.”

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