Mary | Glen Innes, Auckland

“I can remember going to Pak’n’Save and I didn’t have enough money to pay for my groceries, so the person behind me offered to pay the rest of my groceries. I think you get a bit of that around here, because there’s always people around here busking.

So, I give them a little bit of money. It helps. They’re always wanting food. I don’t know whether it goes on food, or whatever it is, but I think people should just show a bit of kindness there to the street people.

I think it’s very important to be kind because there’s a lot of people out there homeless, and there’s a lot of empty houses around here that could be of use, until they pull them down, they don’t have to be on the street. Normally have things happening down here every weekend with the community. But because of the lockdown, well you know…

I value a lot of things. I just turned 65, so yeah, I was brought up in a little shack and I had no power, no water and all that. Just a tin roof. So, I value a lot of things, now. I don’t take a lot for granted. I try and tell other people, don’t take things for granted, look after yourself and look after your children, and be happy.

I think this just comes because everybody’s quite close around here. Everybody knows each other. So, if you’re able to help, then do it.”

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