Fred | Māngere Bridge

“Well, a silver lining is in the sky. You have a look up at the sky, and it’s clear as a bell. Why is it clear as a bell? Because we’re not in hell. Why aren’t we in hell?  Because we have a Saviour called Jesus Christ. He’s our silver lining.

He came to save us. He gave us His life, His blood, His body, His soul so that we could live. He saved us from ourselves. He saved us from this madness called chaos, and this chaos that we live in today is caused by us people who decide to live our own lives according to our own will, and endure our own sufferings. The silver lining that Christ presents to us is salvation. Now, salvation comes to us when we’re born again, and we give our lives to Him, and devote ourselves to Christ, and give all our worries to him, and repent of our sins, acknowledge Him as our Lord and Saviour, in Jesus name, Amen.

My personal journey with Jesus. Well, I have mental health issues. I have divorce issues. I have broken home issues. I have broken family issues. I have broken body issues, broken mind issues. At the end of the day, I have a broken heart, but Jesus put me back together again, and made me live again, because He has a purpose for me, and the purpose He has for me is to believe in Him, and acknowledge Him and worship Him, and obey Him and trust him and love Him, and love each other, as He commanded, in Jesus name, Amen.

I was born in Melbourne. I came here when I was 21. I found a wife, found a home, found a family, had five kids, have 16 grandchildren, and my life is not my own. It belongs to God, and I love Him, serve Him, trust Him, obey Him, and love my neighbour as myself, because that’s what we’re commanded to do, and the reason we have a silver lining is because we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, and He takes away our burdens, takes away our sin, takes away our suffering, and fills us with peace and joy, faith, hope and love, in Jesus name, Amen.”

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