Boidie | Manukau

“Well I actually do it on the the daily, because I work as an electrician, so I hang out with a lot of different people. A lot of different ethnicities, because you’re working in different parts of Auckland. High-end parts and low-end parts. Any difference, a different range of people, really.

You learn their cultural ways and even different work tactics, because they’ve been taught differently over in their parts of the world. So, you’re always learning more experiences, gaining new job skills from different people.

I grew up in Northland. Far North a place called Pukenui, a small little country town. We didn’t have phones or anything like that. The main transport was horses, getting to the shop, and just more like a ‘live off the land’ type. I grew up hunting and fishing, all that type of stuff, and then moved to the city when I was about 16-18, to get a job, and here we are.

I’m currently doing my apprenticeship, which I’ve nearly finished. I’m in my last year now. So, I’ve got about three more months to go and then I will be qualified, and I’m not sure what I’ll do yet. See where things go from there, I suppose.

I think it is important, because New Zealand has a lot of different people here. There’s a big range of diversity in New Zealand, so yes, it is important.”

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