Tony | Onehunga

“My name is Tony and I love Jesus Christ. He’s my God, and I love New Zealand. I live here in Onehunga, yes. We support each other, and Jesus is our best friend, and He’s always with us in Spirit, and He’s coming back again, soon in this generation, and He will save us, and we are saved by grace. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, and yes, we have won the victory with Jesus.

Jesus delivered me. Yes, Jesus is our deliverer. He delivers us, and He’s all-powerful, because He’s in Heaven. He has all authority and power, and He loves us just the same, and we are His children. We are His creation. Yes, Jesus is our first love, and He’s our best friend. I am in the light, let God support you and let Him take you to a higher ground, and you will stand up and be strong in the Lord.

Yes, I’m all good. I’m always happy and joyful, yes but all things work for good for those who love God. It’s always been good for me, yes because life is an experience, and we all go through trials and temptations, but if you abide in Christ and that’s Jesus our Lord, you can overcome the trials and the temptations, because we are more, we are all more than conquerors in Christ Jesus, our God, yes. He’s our redeemer and He lives. I am the living one. That’s what Jesus tells us, yes. 

Yes, I am from Taiwan. Yes, 1989. I love New Zealand. It’s a beautiful place. Our beautiful community, yes and what God wants us to do is to always have mercy towards each other, and to love each other and to forgive each other, and just forgive and forget, and be loving and forgiving and always be nice to each other and love each other, and support each other.

I play the piano. I like to make people happy and make them feel like Heaven when I play. Yes, and make everyone beautiful. I think they like my playing, because it makes them happy, yes. I play for myself. I come here because it gives me joy playing the piano, I just come here for recreation.”

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