Angela | Glen Innes

“My name is Angela, and I live down here in GI. I have got a really special friend. I’ve known her a long, long time.

My mum passed away a few years ago, and because I was shocked when my mum passed away I didn’t know what to do, and this particular friend, she was there for me. She guided me through things. She told me what to expect, what life was all about, and she just taught me the basics of life, and I was really happy about that.

I grew up here in Auckland, and what’s important to me is just trying to be friendly to people, helping people if they need to be helped, and just being a shoulder to cry on for somebody.

This friend, she actually used to go to school with my mum, so I’ve practically known her my whole life, and even though I live down here in GI now, I still ring her every day, just to say hello – just to keep an eye on her. If there’s anything she needs to be done like shopping or anything like that, I’m always there for her, and I do it for her. She’s told me that I’m like a daughter to her.

I think it’s very important if you lose somebody really, really close to you, and you kind of think, well who can I talk to? Who can I turn to in those times of need? So it’s really good to have a friend that you can actually talk to, especially if they’ve been through that same experience.”

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