Missy | Akaroa

Missy (Poutini Ngāi Tahu, Ngā Ruahine, Ngāti Ruanui, Scotland) had come over to Akaroa for the day to spend time investing in herself. This has become an essential part of her life so she can be in the lives of her mokopuna for as long as possible.

“I want to be an amazing tūpuna for my mokopuna. My tamariki lost my mum at a really young age, same age as what I am now. And that also guided me into making that decision.

Over the last couple of years, my hauora (wellbeing) hasn’t been the best, physically. That’s taken a big toll on my overall hauora, including my hinengaro (mind). I’ve had to change my lifestyle and adapt, doing meaningful and mindful things that are good for my hauora.

That meant giving up full-time work so I could focus on my wellbeing. I’ve immersed myself in mahi raranga (weaving), ngā mahi a te whare pora (weaving practices), which is rongoā (medicine) for me. I’ve also embraced more rongoā Māori, which isn’t just about wairākau (tonics) or pani (balms)—it’s a holistic way of living.

I want to be an amazing tūpuna. I want to be that tāua (grandmother) who is there for all my mokopuna. I’m coming up to seven grandchildren, so they need me. They need me in their lives, and they need me to be here for a long time.

So, how am I going to achieve that? It’s by taking the time out to take care of myself, so I can be the best version of me for them.”

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