Te Hoiho | Glenfield

“I need a job, that would be pretty cool.

The past couple of years I’ve been training to be a Police officer but then I injured my ankle and pretty much tore all the ligaments, and it’s not getting better. I’m not really able to do the Police Academy stuff anymore. At the moment I’m trying to find a new path with the skills I’ve acquired. I’m still struggling to find a job, but that’s all good.

I feel like a lot of the world’s problems could be solved if everyone just gave each other a hug, hand shake, smiled or said something nice to a stranger or something. If you see someone’s having a bad day, lend them a hand.

Community for me is the joining of people towards a common goal, just help each other out, just altruistic deeds. Christmas is a tough time for some people, I think it’d be good to invite someone over for dinner. Just be friendly, neighbourly. I’d definitely say it depends on where you are.

I feel like Glenfield is good, the Northshore’s pretty good, it’s real diverse and there’s very different people everywhere. Socially it’s good, but job-wise I don’t know. It’s a great place to live though, it’s real safe I’d say.

I’ve got this fashion statement I guess, because piercings… The stereotype is that it’s only girls that get piercings and stuff, but I was like, hey I’ll just get one because I can. It’s more of a fashion thing than anything. One thing doesn’t belong to one gender. I just don’t really think gender roles should be like a thing, you know?”

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