

Share on Facebook Tweet this Shykelah | Ōtara “Shykelah, and I come from Ōtara. So I was walking around Ōtara, and these people were picking on this lady, so I told her to go away, I mean, I told them to go away, and so I stopped them from hurting her. People...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tab | Glenfield “My name’s Tabitha, and I live in Glenfield, Auckland. So I injured my shoulder. I dislocated it, and I didn’t have any confidence to go back to playing basketball, but I guess I was just committed. Then on my first...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Bruce | Manurewa “My name’s Bruce and where would I call home? Home is probably here in South Auckland. I grew up here and I consider it a little bit unique to anywhere else in Auckland because there’s a lot of culture that revolves...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sam | Flat Bush “I’m Samantha, and I live in Flatbush in Auckland. I think last year when I had to spar a few boys, and I was the only girl. So, it did take me quite a bit to get on the ground and spar them, and even though I was...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Leva | Ōtara Talofa lava. My name is Leva. I am 24 years of age, and I live in Flatbush, Ōtara. Every day I’m having to be brave and courageous. I literally wake up every morning, and I look at myself in the mirror, and I’m always asking...

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