

Share on Facebook Tweet this Alex | Glenfield “Probably last year, because that was the time I was most with my friends, I think this year with my family, I haven’t been able to get new friends yet, because I haven’t started school or uni, but I’m hoping to meet...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Boidie | Manukau “Well I actually do it on the the daily, because I work as an electrician, so I hang out with a lot of different people. A lot of different ethnicities, because you’re working in different parts of Auckland. High-end...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Iti | Māngere “Well, I do share the Gospel. So, I come across quite a few different people to myself.  When I’m out sharing the Gospel, I meet a lot of different people, especially those who have many differences to myself, like...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Emma | Northcross “I’m a youth worker, I work part-time, so I work with like a variety of different kids pretty much most days, all from different backgrounds, and dealing with different things in their lives. I learn a lot from...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Semesa | Onehunga “That’s a tough one. I don’t really spend time with people. I do, but I don’t you know. Someone who’s different? I’ve got a mate, because myself, I’m a Christian, so you know, I believe in God. My mate’s an atheist....

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