

Share on Facebook Tweet this Pat | Manurewa “I grew up in Ōpōtiki or in the Bay of Plenty, and with strong family values I guess; small country town, everyone knew everyone. Then I came to Auckland and I’ve lived here 47 years now, and I guess it’s important...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kaya | Clendon “The last time I felt grateful was actually today when I got a job interview. I have training in retail, so that’s one position that I’m good in. I was looking for a job to do with customer service and to do with...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Ribea | Maurewa “I was born in South Africa; Cape Town, South Africa and I am a born again Christian, as we call it. I am religious, and I am serving God with my all, and I think God just brought me to New Zealand for a reason,...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Fabz | Manurewa “My upbringing was really good. My mum was born and bred Whanganui, she’s from a little town down in the middle of I’d say Palmy and Raetihi. It’s a nice, beautiful town. My dad was born and bred in, well I think...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Anita | Tāmaki Makaurau “Last time I felt thankful or grateful I would say this morning I felt thankful, very thankful. I am looking after three kids for a week while their parents are over in Australia, and I only had to get up...

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