Kataraina | Matapihi

Kataraina | Matapihi

When did you last need help? Share on Facebook Gmail Kataraina | Matapihi We were invited to kaumātua day at Waikari Marae, Matapihi where we met Kataraina, who is trying to bring whānau back to the marae. It was the dream of her grandmother – who was one of four kuia...
Richard | Pōneke

Richard | Pōneke

Who has changed your life? Share on Facebook Gmail Richard | Pōneke Richard’s father died in his home in England seven weeks before our interview. Reflecting on his legacy, Richard realised how much his father’s quiet strength and devotion to his family had...
Sharyn | Pōneke

Sharyn | Pōneke

Who has changed your life? Share on Facebook Gmail Sharyn | Pōneke Sharyn’s (Ngāti Kahungunu, Wellington) sons have led their whānau into a deeper understanding of their whakapapa Māori. And this has changed her appreciation of her place in Aotearoa. I have...
Sitoga | Tāmaki Makaurau

Sitoga | Tāmaki Makaurau

What has whānau taught you? Share on Facebook Gmail Sitoga | Tāmaki Makaurau Sitoga’s (Samoa, Manurewa) whānau is her community and her village and it is her parents that have taught her to understand the power of putting others first. “The lessons from my...
Fete | Tāmaki Makaurau

Fete | Tāmaki Makaurau

What has whānau taught you? Share on Facebook Gmail Fete | Tāmaki Makaurau Fete is a survivor of abuse in care and was Senior Pasefika Engagement Advisor on the Royal Commission of Enquiry into State Abuse and Faith-Based Abuse. Reconnecting with his whānau allowed...

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