

Share on Facebook Tweet this Sykes | Rānui “Kia ora, my name is Sykes Yeah, I’m from the north side of the bridge, 409. Yeah, that’s the Far North, and I’ve got two beautiful kids. My oldest girl just turned 17 yesterday, so like happy birthday again, I love...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Natasha | Māngere “Hi, my name is Natasha, and I’m calling Māngere home at the moment. So I finished my first year of a new degree, and I’d like to just work on my study skills, especially academic writing. I successfully completed...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sonny | Rānui “My name is Sonny. I’m from Rānui. That’s my hood. That’s where I come from and that’s my home there. That’s a big question for me. I’ve got a lot of things on my mind at the moment, so I suggest that, I really don’t...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jayson | Point Chevalier “Jayson, and Pt Chev, but I grew up in Massey, out West Auckland, and then I stayed up in the Waitākere with my step-mum, and the thing is, you need a car if you stay up Waitākere, because it’s miles away...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Aafreen | Blockhouse Bay “My name is Aafreen and I call Blockhouse Bay home, in Auckland. I think that would be when I was 11, and I first moved to New Zealand, because my family immigrated back in 2002. When I came to Lynfield...

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