

Share on Facebook Tweet this Nicole | Waimauku “Just spend more time with my family, I suppose. Yeah, spend more time with the kids. Just because they grow up so quickly, and you don’t want to look back and think you missed out on something, and yeah, they’re...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Pat | Huapai “I know, climb the Sky Tower maybe. I’d just like to climb up the steps and, like the firemen did, and just see how fit I am, maybe, and I’m a bit frightened of heights, but anyway, yeah. I think you should stay fit and...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Dusty | West Auckland “Oh, my goodness, that would be not go to work. Sorry, that’s, complete truth. I’d grab my motorbike and go for a ride. That’s exactly what I’d do, and not worry about getting back on time to get a good sleep to...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Keith|Rānui “Kia ora. Oh I’ve experienced anger quite constantly as I’ve been growing up. I guess as you mature you tend to manage anger in, in a certain way, and I, I tend to look at anger now as, episodes of conflict, and how to...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Zoe|Glen Eden “Real anger. Real anger, possibly two days ago. I kicked my foot onto the table leg, and it hurt. So, it made me a little bit grumpy for a couple of seconds. My reaction was frowning grumpy face, and some choice words,...

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