

Share on Facebook Tweet this Mark | Wellington “My name’s Mark. I’m from Wellington. I’m 62 years old. I’ve just come up to look after my sick mum. I’ve got a lot of health issues. I’m bipolar. I suffer from auditory hallucinations. I have flashbacks. I‘ve got...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jason | New Lynn I’m Jason. I live in Auckland. New Lynn is where I’m based at the moment, but I haven’t really got a home. I’m sort of, um being moved around at the moment, but I’ve had a fairly good upbringing. I wasn’t abused or...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Reagan | Manurewa “Hi, my name’s Regan and home to me is Manurewa. Sense of accomplishment? So recently I’ve made it into the New Zealand Under-18s hockey team, and it was a real accomplishment for me, showing that my hard work has...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Barbara | Māngere “Hi, my name is Barbara and my home is in Māngere. A sense of accomplishment? I guess where I work, I’ve been in the community for the last 10 years, working. I’ve seen a lot of changes, seeing it heading in the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Nicole | Ōtara “My name is Nicole, and I’m from here in Ōtara, and I’ve just moved here from Gisborne. I used to live down in Gisborne. So, I moved up here because I wanted to chase my passion as an artist. I work at Subway, and it’s...

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