

Share on Facebook Tweet this Kev | Addington, Canterbury  **This story talks about suicide. If you, or someone you know, needs help you can text or free call 1737 at anytime to talk to, or text with, a trained counsellor.** “I’ve had a life full of challenges. I...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kanwar | Hamilton, Waikato “In my life, there are some failures for which only me is responsible, so that makes me push forward, and that also helps me to influence myself. Another thing is my family, and my sister. They help me to...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Gus | Kaikōura, Canterbury  “Single-handedly the biggest thing that’s influenced me in my life and shaped who I am is probably when I left school, I first started sort of experiencing and feeling the effects of mental health,...
Te Aomihia

Te Aomihia

Share on Facebook Tweet this Te Aomihia | Kaikōura, Canterbury “I think a lot of people are influenced by their mothers, and mine was very influential on many people of all ages – children, babies, adults and elderly. She was a Māori teacher specifically...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Lima | Manurewa, Auckland “I think, for me, growing up in an environment that was really manipulated and controlled by fear and domestic violence, it was easy to fall into that gap of believing what the adults were saying at that...

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