

Share on Facebook Tweet this Claire | Mornington, Otago “I think New Zealand’s done rather well with the so-called pandemic. There’s two ways of looking at it, and I think it’s somewhere in the middle, really. It’s awkward. I mean, if you look at all the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Ethyn | Green Island, Otago “The day I felt proud is when my little sister, well pretty much when I became a big brother. I was proud to be like, right this is my little sister, I’m going to protect her no matter what, and seeing her...


Share on Facebook Tweet this James | Port Chalmers, Otago **This story refers to child sexual abuse. For specialised help, with any issues relating to sexual harm, contact Safe to talk: 0800 044 334 or text 4334** “It’s a great question, and it’s quite fresh. I...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Aprille | Dunedin Central, Otago “The last time that I felt proud was probably yesterday when we finished all our assessments, and I felt proud for all of my colleagues that we all passed together, and we made it through the stress,...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Dean | Blueskin Bay, Otago “When you’re talking about being proud, I think it goes back to my children. So, my oldest boy, who is a teenager has been scared of flying most of his life, but he’s had to travel all the time, to and fro,...

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