Michael M
Share on Facebook Tweet this Michael – Grey Lynn “Ah, oh last night. I guess I made a bad decision on not seeing someone. And instead of sort of shying away I sent them a text message pretty late at night saying, I’m sorry I didn’t come over, it was the...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Shannon – Hawkes Bay / Henderson “How I recently showed someone I care about them is I gave my son a kiss and a hug and said, have a good day. I’m a pre-nailer, build house frames for Henderson Timbers, and I’ve only been up in...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Rochelle – Ōtahuhu “I’ve lived in this community for almost, oh god, 20 years, and absolutely love Ōtahuhu. I tell my family, my children, that I love them regularly. Before we go to school, I say goodbye and I tell them I love...
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