

Share on Facebook Tweet this Arnea – Sandringham “I’m a solo parent, now a solo grandmother, and lived in Sandringham for 14 years. Been to all the schools with the children and their families, met lots and lots of lovely parents around this area, before...
Michael M

Michael M

Share on Facebook Tweet this Michael – Grey Lynn “Ah, oh last night. I guess I made a bad decision on not seeing someone. And instead of sort of shying away I sent them a text message pretty late at night saying, I’m sorry I didn’t come over, it was the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Shannon – Hawkes Bay / Henderson “How I recently showed someone I care about them is I gave my son a kiss and a hug and said, have a good day. I’m a pre-nailer, build house frames for Henderson Timbers, and I’ve only been up in...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Rochelle – Ōtahuhu “I’ve lived in this community for almost, oh god, 20 years, and absolutely love Ōtahuhu. I tell my family, my children, that I love them regularly. Before we go to school, I say goodbye and I tell them I love...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Tiniel – Ōtahuhu “I’m Tiniel, and Ōtahuhu is the place that I call home. My cousin’s partner was recently in hospital. He was in a car accident and she needed someone to look after her babies for a few days, and I was the only one...

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