Susan – Tag Test

Susan – Tag Test

Share on Facebook Tweet this Susan – Onehunga “Children can teach us kindness, empathy, how to play, how to laugh. I’m from Brazil but I’m a Kiwi in my heart now, and I have three children. One will be 18, one is 11, one is eight, and I love working with...
Susan – Tag Test


Share on Facebook Tweet this Susan – Onehunga “Children can teach us kindness, empathy, how to play, how to laugh. I’m from Brazil but I’m a Kiwi in my heart now, and I have three children. One will be 18, one is 11, one is eight, and I love working with...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kerryana – Auckland “What I think children can teach us, speaking for myself, is how to tell the truth. I’m not saying innocence is bliss, but they don’t have as many preconceived ideas as we do as we grow older, and the other...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Paul – Pukekohe “With children, I’ve learned that often they just take things simple. They, they don’t get too complicated. Often as adults we can get more complicated than we need to. More issues, but often the simple things...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Shenelle – Henderson “I’m Shenelle and I stay in a bush in a tent in Henderson. What can we learn of kids, is they’re very humble, loving, they can’t speak for themselves. Ah, they’re just very humble. What’s really sad about...

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