

Share on Facebook Tweet this Rachel | Northcote “A woman who’s influenced my life would definitely be my mum. Since becoming a mum myself I’ve realised how hard it is and how difficult it can be raising a child and giving someone life, and it’s really made me...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Ian | Glenfield “First of all my mum, and she gave me the life that I came to this world. Second of all, is my wife because I’m married to her and she gave birth to my son, who gave me a lot of meaning to my life now. Also, my...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Roseanna | Northcote “I’ve definitely got to go straight to my mother. She’s a nurse, and was mainly a stay at home mum for my brother, sister and I, and she’s definitely the matriarch of the family; kind but firm. So, yeah I’d have...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Leanne | Northcote “My grandmother influenced my life. She was brought up down on the East Coast by Gisborne, and so we would go for holidays every year on the marae with her, and she taught me to sew and make bread and look out for...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kuli | Mount Roskill “Well, my wife, her name is Potila and I can say that she’s from the island of Tonga, and yes we’ve been together for 26 years now. She’s everything. I love her, and we’ve been staying together ever since then....

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