

Share on Facebook Tweet this Bill | Takapuna “For many years, many years, I’ve known that I am an HSP. People who know about HSP know exactly what I’m talking about. People who are not familiar with the term HSP, it’s Highly Sensitive Person… and it’s a condition....


Share on Facebook Tweet this Frank | Hamilton “I guess the mix of what I do in life would surprise others. As someone who wears a collar, most people would assume that I’d probably spend most of my time in church, which I don’t. I actually spend most of time...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Greg | Glenfield “I come from a family of three, and on my mum’s side you have myself who is the oldest, and I’m gay. My mum’s sister, her eldest is also gay, and also my mum’s oldest sister is trans, transgender. So, that’s a little...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Murray | Ponsonby “I mean, the people that know me in the last few years know I’m trans, and luckily the world is catching up in time for me to be able to stay alive, but boy I bloody near didn’t make it. I usually try not to...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Owen | Albany “I love it. I love being lonely. I love my own company actually, so at least I don’t get in trouble with myself, as long as I bring other people into my life, especially here in Auckland. Yeah trouble comes. So when...

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