

Share on Facebook Tweet this Susan | Browns Bay “I do experience kindness from people just walking around. Well even a young person, let me get on the bus first, yeah. I know there’s been so many kind things, and I’ve done so many kind things, but I just can’t...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jo | New Windsor “Well I actually chair a rugby club over at Mt Roskill, and last weekend we, we put on a dinner for our, for Suburbs 85s, and we put a big dinner on, and it was lots and lots of fun. The boys brought their wives and...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Anne | New Lynn “I have an elderly neighbour we keep an eye on, and I take meals over to him. Yeah so help out all I can. He’s on his own, and I know he can cook for himself, but it’s nice sometimes just to help someone else out. I...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Pat | Albany “Well, I can sort of relate to that, because I’m a cancer patient, and I’ve had a lot of kindness from family and friends, you know, over a very difficult period of time. So, that’s from last November. Having been very...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Dieter | New Windsor “Just now; I just dropped my mother-in-law back off at Powley House. We try to keep interactive with my wife’s mother as much as possible. Being an old pensioner and living in Powley House it can get quite lonely...

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