

Share on Facebook Tweet this Claire | Mornington, Otago “I think New Zealand’s done rather well with the so-called pandemic. There’s two ways of looking at it, and I think it’s somewhere in the middle, really. It’s awkward. I mean, if you look at all the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Damien | Taitā, Wellington “At the moment how people in general have been handling this Covid-19. Most of them all stuck to the rules, which was pretty good. I’m one of the ones that are high risk, so I’ve been in quarantine since...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Ethyn | Green Island, Otago “The day I felt proud is when my little sister, well pretty much when I became a big brother. I was proud to be like, right this is my little sister, I’m going to protect her no matter what, and seeing her...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Semelia | Epsom, Auckland “So at the moment, I am proud of New Zealand due to the results of the Covid-19. I think that Kiwis are great people, and we’ve put in a tremendous effort, to see the results that we have at the moment. As a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Kaye | Māngere Bridge, Auckland “I volunteer at a local riding for disabled centre, and about three years ago, took on a horse who was a little bit difficult I would say, and nobody would ride him. So, I’ve taken him on, and in the...

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