Share on Facebook Tweet this Suzanne | Lansdowne, Wairarapa “I helped my mum for a while, since she came out of hospital. Done all the housework for her, and I’m still doing it. She couldn’t bend, when she came out of the hospital. She blacked out and she...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Kalvin | Point England, Auckland “The last moment I experienced kindness, it was the first day after Level 3 had finished, and everyone was going out and saying hi to people, and I had decided that I was seeing a friend, so I decided...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Cody | Papakura, Auckland “Probably the other day when I was five dollars short, somebody leant it to me at the shop. A complete stranger, they were waiting in line behind me to pay for their stuff, and I was five dollars short. So,...
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