

Share on Facebook Tweet this Leiataua-Lesa – Ōtahuhu “Last two weeks, not last Sunday but the Sunday before, our family gathered together to have lunch with my eldest of my sisters still living. She was 94 last month so to show her we care for her and we...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Nancy – Mt Roskill / Sāmoa “My father came in with a cup of tea and a cake and it was something special, because growing up we didn’t have much, and my dad just doing little things like that showed a lot of things. The last time I...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Blair Corban – New Plymouth / Auckland CBD “I’m in Auckland for uni, but that’s where all my family is, and all my friends. New Plymouth is home. Last year my grandfather died of bowel cancer, and my dad had recently did like a...
Michael M

Michael M

Share on Facebook Tweet this Michael – Grey Lynn “Ah, oh last night. I guess I made a bad decision on not seeing someone. And instead of sort of shying away I sent them a text message pretty late at night saying, I’m sorry I didn’t come over, it was the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Jason – Whenuapai “I last cared for my girlfriend this morning; we were unsure of the weather so I made sure that I grabbed the umbrella and raincoat for her to get to work. I’ve been in a relationship with her for three years now...

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