

Share on Facebook Tweet this Trey | Rānui, Auckland “It’s actually a tough question, but I think I was about 15, my older siblings and my cousins and all of that got into an argument with some fellas in New Lynn. At the time, I was only 15. They were just...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sonia | Onehunga, Auckland “I’ve come here to New Zealand on my own. I’ve come here by the Word Genesis 12:1,2. It’s actually courageous and brave, because you leave everything behind. You leave your normal surroundings, your...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Shayna | Ōhakune, Manawatū – Whanganui “For me, it would be every day. Every day you need to be brave. Every day you need to have courage to be able to wake up, courage to be able to accept whatever’s going to be coming towards...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sophie | Ōmata, Taranaki “This week is the first week of me and my friend opening our own business. So that definitely calls for bravery, I think. It was a really quick three-month change of life plan, because of Covid. I was...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Taz | Onehunga, Auckland “Well, I suppose people will be talking about how they’ve been brave from Corona, but I actually want to talk about how I’ve been brave in helping immigrants who come to New Zealand. Being a market supervisor...

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