

Share on Facebook Tweet this Rami | Torbay, Auckland “I have been in New Zealand before from 2002 to 2006, and then moved back to the Middle East, and I’m now thinking if I stayed in New Zealand, that would be probably much better for me. So, I regret the...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Manawa | Rotorua, Waikato “Ko tētahi mea kāore au i te tino rata o tōku onamata ko te kāre au i haere ki ētahi whakaaturanga o mua. Engari atu i tērā kārekau aku hē, kāre au i te tino ware mō tētahi atu mea. Kua ako au me pēhea te...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sheeba | New Lynn, Auckland “When I first came to high school. I was really shy, and insecure about myself, because that was the second year I moved into New Zealand, and people kind of took advantage of it and bullied me and stuff,...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Beau | Henderson, Auckland “One of my biggest regrets from school was not playing an instrument. I never learned much about music and a sense of acoustics, although I would have liked to have known a lot about it. I regret not being...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Rawiri | Maketū, Waikato “My story about regret is once time’s gone you’ve lost it. So, I think it’s time with other people. Growing up it was always about me. It was always about going out there, doing my own thing and having those...

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