Share on Facebook Tweet this Keith|Rānui “Kia ora. Oh I’ve experienced anger quite constantly as I’ve been growing up. I guess as you mature you tend to manage anger in, in a certain way, and I, I tend to look at anger now as, episodes of conflict, and how to...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Marie| Papatoetoe “Anger not so much, but more really like frustration, but anger itself, I haven’t gotten to that point, I think. Say for example, I’m currently juggling several applications, and by, by frustration I mean, I’m...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Kim|Bucklands Beach “To be honest, I don’t get angry that often. So anger; do you just mean fleeting anger maybe? Probably traffic; that’s probably the only thing that kind of makes me angry, I guess, just with inconsiderate drivers,...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Mark|CBD “I suppose yeah, I mean, I suppose there’s lots of times. I don’t, I’m sort of, what would you call it? I’m the sort of person who doesn’t necessarily manifest it directly. Passive-aggressive. You know? So, I’ll have the...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Luther|Pakuranga “As a variance of, you can say types of anger, but simple things. I try to brush things off, but simple things like driving. I haven’t really, I can say the last time I experienced it was maybe last year, because I...
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