

Share on Facebook Tweet this Maui | Rotorua, Waikato “Ko Mātaikōtare tāku marae Ko Rangitoto te pae maunga Ko Waiōhewa te awa kaukau o ngā tūpuna Ko Rotorua-nui-ā-Kahumatamomoe tāku awa Ko Motutapu-a-Tinirau te tapuwae o Rangiteaorere Ko Te Arawa te iwi Ko...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Darin | Kāpiti Coast, Wellington “Experiencing it myself, I researched and wrote a book on a family member who was an architect in Wellington, Bernard Johns. The story was that my mother-in-law went around with my partner, and took a...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Sue | Devonport “This one day I was in a play with my friends, and I had been asked by this lady, my surname, and she said, oh you’re not related to this man? And, I said, yes he’s my father. And, I said, do you know him?  And, she...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Gaille | Kelston “Thank you, Islam. Our heart, our heart certainly goes out to you. If there’s any group that’s most marginalised, most isolated, most misunderstood, is you and yet the more we get to talk to you, the more we realise,...


Share on Facebook Tweet this Margaret | Sunnynook “I would like a train service from the North Shore to Auckland Airport, because I often have to go to the airport to collect my family from overseas, but I don’t think that’s likely to happen. Not while I’m still...

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