Share on Facebook Tweet this Te Hoiho | Glenfield “I need a job, that would be pretty cool. The past couple of years I’ve been training to be a Police officer but then I injured my ankle and pretty much tore all the ligaments, and it’s not getting better. I’m...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Jo | Glenfield “I’ve got four kids, and about a year ago I had a really rough break-up from my partner and I have a new partner now. I guess that brought home to me how important emotional stability, good roots are, family and people...
Share on Facebook Tweet this George| Glenfield “Basically I’ve been raised and educated in Auckland, Aoteoroa. I did a brief living spell of 14 years in Australia. Predominantly I’ve lived all my life in Auckland. I’ve got children that live in Australia. As a...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Jonathan and Hedy | Glenfield Jonathan: “Hedy, where do you call home? Hedy: New Zealand. Jonathan: New Zealand, there you go. I’m Jonathan Goodchild. This is Hedy Goodchild, and yeah Auckland is home. Can you share a happy memory...
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