Share on Facebook Tweet this Jean | Mangatangi “I last felt inspired yesterday. I was hanging out with my friends yesterday, and a lot of them are musicians or artists of some sort, and just yeah vibing off their energy; I felt inspired to do some art today, and...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Bunny | Whangārei “I was bought up on the other side of Māngere Mountain. There’s a marae out there, and we’re all related, born and bred there. I live in Whangārei now; welder-fabricator up there, been up there for three years....
Share on Facebook Tweet this Sammy | Panmure “I’ve recently just left school. At the moment I’m trying to look for a job. I grew up in Papakura for 13 years, and moved to Panmure when I was 13. I went to Panmure Bridge School, and then I moved onto Tamaki...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Jo | Glenfield “I’ve got four kids, and about a year ago I had a really rough break-up from my partner and I have a new partner now. I guess that brought home to me how important emotional stability, good roots are, family and people...
Share on Facebook Tweet this Jordyn| Ponsonby “I grew up in Ponsonby along Richmond Rd, it was pretty community-based, so I was right in the heart of Ponsonby, that’s where I’m from. I’m a barista, straight out of school. Been a barista for about three years...
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