Tab | Glenfield

My name’s Tabitha, and I live in Glenfield, Auckland. So I injured my shoulder. I dislocated it, and I didn’t have any confidence to go back to playing basketball, but I guess I was just committed.

Then on my first game back, my debut, I played again, and people told me not to play because I’d injure my shoulder again, but I played again, because I wanted to, and I dislocated my shoulder again. I don’t know if that’s very brave. It’s just going against the odds, you know, and here I am again on this path to going back to playing basketball. 

I guess it’s for my family and for my team because sometimes I just don’t want to go back to basketball, but then I do – I don’t know. It took a lot of support from my family just to go back into the community of basketball. I did get offered to play in another country, but I still don’t know where my head’s at. Because some people want me to go that way, and some people want me to go the other way, and I just don’t know where my mind’s at. But long-term, I probably don’t see myself playing, realistically. 

I grew up in the Philippines, but when I was seven, I moved here. So basically, I grew up here. English is my native language. What do I value? Oh, I don’t really know what I value. I value family first-off and I do take them for granted most of the time, but I do value them. And then I value freedom, I value that, too.”

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