Sheuk | Flat Bush

“My name is Sheuk and I live in East Auckland, like near the Flatbush area. It would be my grandmother. She’s my mum’s mum. I haven’t seen her in quite some time now because she left to live back in Malaysia quite some time ago.

There’s a bit of conflict between them two, my mum and my grandmother. So, that’s why they’re not really together, and I really miss her, because you know, she pretty much raised me when I was here in New Zealand, and when I was about maybe 15 or 16, she left. So, I rarely get to see her, unless I go back to Malaysia which I will be at the end of the year, and hopefully, I will be able to sit down and have dinner with her. I really miss her. 

I think I’d tell her how much I missed her food because when she was living back here in New Zealand, she would be the one cooking a lot of our food, and I really miss it a lot. I think a lot of it would just be catching up, seeing how she’s doing health-wise and telling her about my life, what’s been going on in my life since I haven’t seen her in so long. I’m in my final year of university, and I’ll be graduating, so that means I’ll be kind of moving up into the next sort of milestone, where I might go and find a job and have a career. I also have a boyfriend now, so I will probably be updating her on that sort of thing. 

So, I was born in Malaysia, in KL, Kuala Lumpur, but I moved here when I was one. What I would value the most is probably my family because you know, they’re the ones that raised me, and everything, and I want to pay them back as much as I can. I think what I also value is that my family likes to eat dinner together, and I think that a lot of families don’t have that sort of luxury, to be able to be together and have dinner together, and have that bond.”

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