Sam | Flat Bush

“I’m Samantha, and I live in Flatbush in Auckland. I think last year when I had to spar a few boys, and I was the only girl.

So, it did take me quite a bit to get on the ground and spar them, and even though I was bruised, I knew I had to keep going because it was my chance to shine. I was doing my martial arts grading for my black belt, and one of the requirements was to spar and be able to stay on the ground, and not give up, and that’s how I was involved in that. 

I think it’s important that we step out of our comfort zone because we might not have known our limits until that point, and only if we step out, will we know how far we can go, and we will know where our limits can go up to.

I was born here, and I grew up for about four to five years in India, and then I came back here to study again. I value my family and friends, and they come first, to me. I’m currently studying at the University of Auckland. I’m doing bio-med, and I aspire to be a doctor.”

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