Richard | Devonport

“Personally, because of my age, I’m about to go into my last year of university, I want to make sure I set myself up to have the best possible future for myself.

There is also what’s around me. I am actually a Cub Scout leader, so I am involved in the local community. I do help out, benefiting the community is important to me and helping out with that kind of thing.

I was a part of the first Devonport Scout group, which is obviously the one for this local area. We also have Calliope down the road, along the waterfront, and definitely in the community they play a huge role. The older ones, the Scouts and the Venturers which is the next level up, often take part as doing voluntary service. I’ve helped out at various rotary events and community events, like I’ve helped out at the kids’ athletics. When the Food and Wine Festival on we’d volunteer for that. It’s just being a part of the local community.

I think it’s a mix of several different factors, definitely. My parents formed me into who I am, but also I think it is kind of in everyone; we do sort of feel a bit of a moral obligation to society, to help out, because we’re all part of the community. So we’ve got to kind of bond together and support each other. I guess that’s kind of how I feel about that.

I was actually born in the UK, and I moved here in 2009, and I’ve lived in Devonport since. I moved here because my dad’s a New Zealander, so that’s the connection there. I guess what makes me tick is actually just here, like even though I grew up in the UK I’d consider Devonport home. This is the place, like no matter where I go, if I come back here, I consider this a place of safety. It’s like home. I really like it, I guess.

I’ve just completed my second year last year, and I’m about to go into third year of my Bachelor of Arts, I’m majoring in history. So, my goal this year is to start making connections in the corporate world and try actually get a foot in the door so I can get out, because a BA isn’t exactly the easiest degree to start with, but it’s definitely really interesting to me. That’s what my passion is, history.”

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