Rami | Torbay, Auckland

“I have been in New Zealand before from 2002 to 2006, and then moved back to the Middle East, and I’m now thinking if I stayed in New Zealand, that would be probably much better for me. So, I regret the decision of moving from New Zealand for some 12 years, you know? This is my regret, I think. 

I trust that every experience, there is something good inside it. So, we learn from all experiences. 

Basically New Zealand is good for my kids, and also it’s a safe country. When the whole world is in trouble, you feel that the safest place on earth is in New Zealand, either for your kids, or for yourself.

My life journey, I was born in Nablus, a Palestinian administrated area. I lived in Jordan. I am a Jordanian citizen, and then I immigrated to New Zealand back in 2002, becoming a New Zealand citizen in 2006. I lived my life as a banker. Investment banker, but actually I have interest in philosophy and history. These are the major fields of my interests for more than 21 years now, and life is good. Life is good.

Being from Palestinian origin, I believe that justice and giving rights for the people who have been unjustified. Life was unfair for them, basically. They took their land, and they made their life very tough. So, I think this is my commitment that my yesterday is part of their life, and I think that it was not easy for them to see that the whole world is not giving them the rights that they deserve.”

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