Lucy | Mount Eden

“I guess a woman who’s influenced my life, there’s quite a few woman who have influenced my life, I guess my mother would be a massive female influence within my life and it’s very funny how she has influenced me, because our relationship hasn’t always been very good.

So, in some ways she’s sort of influenced me to push myself to do so much more than to just take what is given, to just try take what I want to take, but you know make that happen for myself, in a way. I look up to a lot of female musicians such as Suzie Quatro, Joan Jett, really strong female figures that I really like to look up to, just because their attitude and the way they carry themselves is very inspirational to me.

I am both Māori and Norwegian, but I’m more Māori. I’m from both the East Coast and the West Coast, but I was born and raised in Auckland. I think that being born and raised in this city knowing that you are from pure land has an effect on you in a way. I think I often really miss going back home, especially when I’m in the city for too long, and it can get really easy to feel very caught up in a lot of what’s going on here.

Being kind to each other; that’s probably my biggest thing. There are too many people that are being dickheads these days, and I think being kind to one another is my biggest things, and also being able to respect other people in all forms. I don’t think we have enough respect for each other these days. In many ways; socially, physically maybe even mentally, and to a degree even spiritually.

I’m working in a law firm at the moment just doing filing, and working part time, but my fulltime job is my music career. So, I’m a bassist in a three-piece, all girls punk band called Sombo. What I’d really like to be able to do is to show younger people that as hard as it is to get through the system it’s very doable, and you just have to be very smart about the way you do it, really. There are many ways to do it, but it requires doing things outside of the box, and that’s okay.”

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