Kerry | Panmure

“The one thing I need the most right now I think is time. Just need more time. I wish there was just that one extra hour in the day where I could go in to see my dad, or just spend that extra hour with my kids. It’s a pretty busy sort of household. Just need the time. That’s it, gotta find it.

Pretty much just helping; if I can help people in some way to get to where they want to go. How I try and do that is through accounting. I’m pretty much a book-keeper, so that’s what keeps me going and motivated; if I can help someone, it’s all good. It’s all good for me, and for them.

What I’ve learned is to try and do things a lot faster than what I’m used to doing them at, and so that’s constant learning for me. Every day I’m learning how to improve what I do so that I can spend more time with the people I want to be with. That’s it; just improvement. Every day is a new challenge. Every day is thinking.

That drive for me comes from wanting to make a positive difference in their lives. I try and read a lot, and if I can apply what I’ve read. I think a lot of it also comes through how I grew up, particularly seeing my mother helping others around her. I think that’s sort of brushed off on me.

Be more aware of what’s going on around you. Be aware of how you can help out people less fortunate than yourself; how can you make that tiny difference in their lives even though you may not think it’s significant; it makes a difference, really does.”

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