Kaya | Clendon

“The last time I felt grateful was actually today when I got a job interview.

I have training in retail, so that’s one position that I’m good in. I was looking for a job to do with customer service and to do with people, communicating with other people. It’s a clothing department, just sales assistant basically, and learning how to do printing and stitching. It’s quite important, if you want to make your own way in life without having to depend on other people, then I guess just being independent. It’s good to be looking for jobs and having the opportunity to have one, or to just to get an interview.

It’s really important because some people don’t know that even the smallest of things count. We always have to be thankful for everything.

I was raised by my grandparents. So they taught me a lot about respect and discipline and that’s played a big role in my life because growing up in this generation it’s not a good generation, but having all the aspects that your family can give to you is important, because it makes you a better person, and yeah my family done that for me.

It’s just teenagers with alcohol, drugs and fighting, bullying and suicide, teen pregnancy; a lot of things basically. I’ve had quite a few family members and friends commit suicide, and I’ve had quite a few of my close friends bullied in school, in high school, and where I come from in Kawerau, it’s one of the highest in teen pregnancies and suicide rates down there.

They have no-one to talk to I guess. They think it’s a bad thing to talk about what they’re going through, because if they’re depressed they’re too scared to ask for help, because it will probably feel like there’s a gun being held to their head every time they want to be able to ask for help, but they just can’t, so they decide to take another way out.

Last time I really felt grateful was I guess just having my family around me. I’m quite happy that the suicide thing hasn’t reached to my close family, and I guess one of the biggest things that I’m grateful is that they’re still around.”

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